The past two years have been hard ones. I experienced and learned how to survive different kinds of loss. My partner in Valley Vogue, Fran, found her life consumed by caring for her elderly mother and rehab for a severe injury to her wrist. We agreed that the cost and expectations of our business too much to maintain and decided to close up shop. I was devastated as I began to sell looms and supplies. At the same time, the middle school I had taught in for 23 years closed and was absorbed by the town's high school. I packed up my classroom and condensed my classroom materials and supplies to teach at the high school via a cart.
Close to the end of the process of terminating my lease at the mill, the owner offered me an opportunity to move to a smaller studio instead of leaving. My family encouraged me to consider the move. Their encouragement changed from a nudge to insistence that I reconsider. I think they shuddered to imagine me without a creative outlet. Whatever it was, I am thrilled to say it worked. I now am rebuilding and reinventing Valley Vogue. I am happy to add that Fran still stops in and hope she will collaborate on future projects.