A Garden Reflected in Botanical Print
The front of Linda’s house is just a taste of what’s out back.
The forage before printing Linda’s garden for the final time.
The first of three batches wrapped amd steamed on a very nice summer day in late August, 2024.
One of Linda’s favorites from the entire three batches.
A second printing gave yielded a whole new set of favorites to make a new choice.
How it Works
Capturing a garden in print is one of our favorite things to do. In the past two years, we have foraged our way through friends’ gardens, parks, meadows and cemeteries. We now are ready to take a step forward in sharing what we have learned. Our friend, Linda, is part of our second official garden printing. This is our thank you for supporting our unusual form of art and allowing us unlimited foraging privileges.
Let us introduce you to Linda. She is a prolific gardener and naturalist living in a lovely older home in Springfield, Massachusetts. Gardening is her passion. Creating a series of prints to frame and display on her outdoor shed is our newest adventure. Join us as we take you on our adventure printing Linda’s garden.
It all began with a forage and test print.
The Shed Project
Linda wants to display her prints on her shed side that faces her gorgeous back deck. Our first concerns were what material would we use to print and how could we weatherproof the print. We also considered weight and ease in installing. After considering tiles, metal, wood and our go-to paper, we decided simple was best. We went with paper and began researching weather resistant options.
View of shed wall to be used for Linda’s garden print gallery.
The Completed Shed Project
In progress.